Trail Update – 9/11/15

Hello Everyone, I’m pleased to announce that by the time you read this post I will be back on the trail! I flew into Boston yesterday and then took a 6 hour bus ride to Gorham, NH which is where I left way back on Aug, 1. I started hiking exactly where I left off – no blazes missed! Thank you all so much for sticking in there with me, we just have a little more to go.  The upcoming journal posts will be much shorter and will not include pictures, for that I am sorry but promise to update the journal to full strength just as soon as I am done. With any luck, that will be in about 3 weeks. Thanks again!


21 thoughts on “Trail Update – 9/11/15

  1. Yippee! Hope all is well with you & your family. We are so glad you are back on the trail & ready to finish the long journey you began months ago. From your writings this venture has changed your life in many ways. Hang in there & happy travels. Look forward to reading your blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I have been following a few thru hikers, but your blog is the one I look forward to reading every time. You write really well and are obviously a great guy! Glad you were able to come back and finish. My daughter, her BF and dog thru hiked in 2013 but didn’t blog, wish they had. Anyway, looking forward to the rest of your posts!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Glad to hear you are back on the trail. Finish your life long dream! I look forward to reading your final blogs and watching you online reach your goal. You got this!!


  4. Po boy, this made my day….hearing you were back on the trail!! I was able to spend some time with my nephew (Swahili, karibu????) this afternoon. We are thrilled that you were able to make it back. Best of luck to you!! I am really old, so in my day it was Happy Trails, so Happy, Happy Trails!!!! Aunt G


  5. If you make it to the Dockside in Wolfboro, have a strawberry frappe, none better in the state!! Good luck with your endeavors, you are truly following the paths of history. Find a “Bert and I” recording, New England’s version of Boudreaux and Thibodeaux.


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